Importing 3D content

When you want to bring the 3D content created with a third-party tool to Kanzi Studio you have to import or merge the content. You can import or merge 3D assets in these formats:

Different exporters in third-party tools handle content differently. For example, if you cannot get the expected result using .fbx, try using .dae.

When you import 3D content Kanzi Studio creates for each imported file in the Project > Prefabs a new Scene named after the imported file. In the Scene Kanzi Studio creates the scene hierarchy from the imported file and places all resources from the imported file, such as splines, animations, and materials, to directories to the Library.

To create 3D content in third-party tools and export it so that it requires the minimum amount of effort after importing to Kanzi Studio, see Preparing 3D assets in third-party tools.

Note that you cannot undo the importing.

Importing 3D content

To import 3D content:

  1. In the Assets window click Import Assets.
  2. Select the files you want to import and click Open.

You can find all files from which you imported 3D assets in the Library > Resource Files > 3D Assets.

Importing .fbx files which contain animations that use custom pivot points, can cause Kanzi Studio to terminate. This is caused by a defect in the FBX importer provided in the Autodesk's FBX SDK.

After the import fails, open the Kanzi Studio project:

  1. In the Library > Resource Files > 3D Assets select the .fbx file that caused Kanzi Studio to terminate.
  2. In the Properties disable the Convert Pivot Points property.
    When disabled, Kanzi Studio ignores the custom pivot points in the .fbx file, which breaks rotation and scale animations for nodes that use custom pivot points.
    When enabled, Kanzi Studio resets the pivot points to the default positions without making visual changes to animations. This is the recommended setting because Kanzi Studio does not support custom pivot points.
  3. In the Library > Resource Files > 3D Assets right-click the .fbx file that caused Kanzi Studio to terminate, and select Import 3D Asset File to import the file.

Adjusting the scale of the imported 3D content

To avoid problems with the scale, correctly set the units and scale before exporting 3D content in the third-party tool you are using. For example, in Autodesk 3ds Max set units to meters. One unit in Kanzi equals one meter in Autodesk 3ds Max.

To adjust the scale of imported 3D assets:

  1. In Kanzi Studio in the Library > Resource Files > 3D Assets select the file for which you want to adjust scale.
  2. In the Properties adjust the Scale property.
  3. In the Library > Resource Files > 3D Assets right-click the file for which you adjusted the scale and select Import 3D Asset File.

Adjusting a spline created from a NURBS curve

When you use a NURBS curve for a spline trajectory you can adjust the number of subdivisions when importing the NURBS curve to Kanzi Studio. Kanzi uses the value you provide to tesselate the NURBS curve as a Kanzi spline. See Using the Trajectory List Box 3D node and Using the Trajectory Layout nodes.

To adjust a spline created from a NURBS curve:

  1. In the Library > Resource Files > 3D Assets select the .fbx file that contains the NURBS curve you are using for a spline trajectory.
  2. In the Properties set the Curve Tesselation Detail property to the number of subdivisions in the NURBS curve you want to use.
    The default value is 16. Set the property to different values to find the result that suits you best.
  3. In the Library > Resource Files > 3D Assets right-click the .fbx file that contains the NURBS curve and select Clean Import 3D Asset File.
  4. In the Library > Trajectories select the spline trajectory that uses the NURBS curve you imported and in the Properties set the Spline property to the spline you imported.

See also

Preparing 3D assets in third-party tools

Merging 3D assets